Game of Thrones (Daenerys Targaryen)

250px-Daenerys_S3I have to say she is my favorite character. She is the baddest bitch of the whole series. The mother of dragons is her self-proclaimed title. She has shown her power many times in the series. I also love that she doesn’t agree with slavery. She is building her army by freeing slaves. They are so grateful they are joining her army as free men. When the series first starts off you don’t get what she is about. Her and her brother were outed. Her father was the mad king that was killed by Jaime Lannister. They stated that the Targaryen had a lot of incest going on, so there is always one crazy one.

Her brother is evil to her and pimps her to form an army to get his father lost kingdom back. Eventually the brother is killed due to his disrespect of his sister. She surprised me in every turn. You can see her self-esteem building with every seen. The best scene when she sold her dragon for an army. Then she turned on the guy she bought it from.

I have not read the books which makes this series very interesting. I don’t know what is going to happen. I would love to see her win. I have a feeling that isn’t going to happen.

She is so young and so strong in mind. She is a perfect fit for this character. I can’t wait to see what comes in season 4.

June 20, 2013. Tags: , , , , , , , , . Review. Leave a comment.

Game of Thrones Season 1 (The Families)

I was told about this series and wasn’t to interested in watching. I really don’t know what made me watch the first episode. I decided to give it a shot. I do love period pieces.

Usually ones more on the romantic side. The movie Sense and sensibilities is more my style. I also loved Lord of the Rings and this had a hint of a resemblance. I have to say it has exceeded far beyond my expectations.

I should have known HBO would come out with full guns. Without the restrictions that other networks have to worry about. HBO can make every series different and more scandalous than anything put on TV.

I have to say there were so many plots going on, it was very hard to keep up. If you could keep half of them straight you are doing good.tumblr_ljvomnekzJ1qa2ylwo1_1280

From what I could keep in my head there are:

1)The Stark’s -They seem to be the honorable family of the whole bunch. They want things to be right and the kingdom rules to be followed. The head of the Stark family Eddard Stark. Is a friend to the King in which they fought in battle. Yet he seems naive to how to play the game. He is taken from his land to protect the King. A drunk, fat  in debt man, living out his days King.

2) The Lancasters – The King is married to Cersei the sister to the Lancaster Klan. They are found to be backstabbing treacherous bunch. The brother stabbed the prior King in the back. They called him the Mad King. The sister Queen Cersei is sleeping with her twin brother Jaime. So all her kids are inbreed. Which reminded me of V.C. Andrews. She was all about the incest in her books.

So all the Queens children are not the kings. If this secret were to be known they will be outcasts. They will do anything to protect this secret to keep the throne. The only decent one of the bunch is the dwarf brother Tyrion. He talks a lot of shit and is the smartest one of the bunch.

3) The Targaryen – These are the relatives of the mad King that was killed by Jaime Stark. He had two children Visery (son), Danerys (daughter). They were exiled after their father The King was killed. The brother desperate to get his crown back pimped out his sister to gain a Dothraki army.

4) The Dothraki branded savages and the army  the Visery bought with his sister’s hand in marriage.

I believe I got all the families straight. There are still many plots to go through. I watched season one.  The writing is unbelievable good. I have to say each plot line is interesting. Which is not easy to do. There are many series that goes in many directions that are supposed to fit together. Usually one or two plots are interesting. Then the other are random and you wish you could fast forward through them.

I have to say all plots of this story has me intrigued. Clearly HBO has another hit on their hands. I have to agree with all the other fans!!! It is a hit. I hope the writers keep up the good work.

May 26, 2013. Tags: , , , , , , , , . Game of Thrones reviews, Uncategorized. 2 comments.

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